Best OpenAI ChatGPT Strategies for Digital Marketing

OpenAI ChatGPT is all the buzz in the marketing sector these days. With many marketers claiming that it is a must-have tool for anyone in the field of digital marketing, it is worth your while to learn more about this viral AI-powered chatbot and how you can leverage it to optimize your marketing initiatives.

Within two weeks of its launch in November, ChatGPT surpassed the one million subscriber count making it one of the most successful app launches. The way users interact with search engines is projected to be disrupted and impact the future of digital marketing. Here, we go through what marketers need to know about ChatGPT and the best strategies they can implement to maximize the use of OpenAI ChatGPT for marketing purposes. 

Digital Marketing (stock image)


Best Strategies for Using OpenAI ChatGPT for Digital Marketing:

What is ChatGPT?

OpenAI ChatGPT is a transformer-based language model trained to interact with users in a conversationally. It is developed on advanced AI technology that uses deep learning algorithms to generate human-like responses to text-based inputs. It is a super-powered chatbot that converses with you through text dialogue and can answer most questions with responses based on large amounts of collected data.



What makes ChatGPT distinct from other chatbots is the quality of its human-like responses. It remembers the context from previous questions or statements and generates responses within the same context. It also challenges incorrect premises and even rejects requests that may be inappropriate or ill-intended.

Aside from answering queries, it can also write poems, short essays, emails, letters, and other written materials. It can also correct and suggest computer code for basic programming. Various industries are utilizing ChatGPT due to its wide array of applications.  

Best Strategies for Using OpenAI ChatGPT for Digital Marketing

While it does have its limitations, ChatGPT has powerful AI capabilities that have the potential to revolutionize digital marketing. Its applications in this sector include content creation and optimization, customer service automation, marketing personalization, customer behavior analysis, localization, report generation, customer feedback management, and market research. If you are looking for ways to implement this technology, here are some of the best strategies for using ChatGPT to improve marketing outcomes.

Best Strategies for Using OpenAI ChatGPT for Digital Marketing

Use ChatGPT to generate engaging content for your marketing platforms.

You’d be amazed at the different types of content ChatGPT can generate. It can churn out short essays, exciting stories, limericks, haikus, poems, and other written materials. It does have a limit of 2,000 characters, but that’s more than enough for ad copies, blurbs, social media captions, and short blogs.

ChatGPT generate engaging content

ChatGPT generate engaging content

You can use ChatGPT to create product descriptions for Google Ads, Facebook Ads, and other ad networks. You can also use it to craft blog posts, FAQs, and content for product pages. You can also use it to weave catchy copies and blurbs for social media. The possibilities for content creation are practically endless.

For targeted content, be more specific in your prompts. Technically, ChatGPT does not require prompts, but you can have better outcomes if your instructions are specified. Write more detailed information about your target audience. Include whether you want your description to be witty, serious, informational, casual, or formal. Make sure your ads are optimized by including specific keywords.  This will help avoid getting mediocre or irrelevant content.

Use ChatGPT to optimize content and align them with your strategy.

ChatGPT can be a powerful tool for content creation and optimization. It can write Meta descriptions, titles, headers, image alt tags, and keyword-rich content that help improve rankings on search engines. It can also condense long-form articles into short, shareable pieces.

Use ChatGPT to conduct keyword research on any product or website. It will provide you with a list of popular keywords, their synonyms, and alternative words that you can use to write your content. To automate content creation, use these keywords to generate compelling ad copies, web content, or blog posts on ChatGPT.

Top 10 keywords for influencer marketing

list alternatives keyword for influencer marketing

ChatGPT-generated content must be continuously measured and improved, like all your other content, to keep your site relevant to your audience and search engines. Also, a bit of human touch is needed to ensure that the content is accurate and engaging. Continually improve your site by monitor rankings and adjusting your content strategy.

Run feedback or comments on ChatGPT to understand customer sentiment.

ChatGPT can help you understand customer sentiment and give concrete ideas on how best to address feedback and comments. You can paste customer reviews on the dialogue box to get insights into what a customer feels about your products or services.

ChatGPT comments feedback

ChatGPT comments feedback

ChatGPT can also help you formulate the most appropriate response to customer feedback. Analyzing language patterns and behavioral cues can construct a highly relevant comment or an email that notes how a customer feels and the context of the dialogue.  However, the app is not perfect so it still requires a bit of manual effort to fine-tune the message and ensure it can address the issue.

customer respond advice

customer respond advice

Leverage ChatGPT capabilities to boost PPC campaigns.

One survey shows that 47 percent of marketing professionals trust artificial intelligence (AI) to target ads. With its AI capabilities for content creation and keyword research, ChatGPT is a powerful tool that boosts PPC campaigns. When building campaigns, research for geo and language targeting on ChatGPT. Find the most effective keywords for SEO and PPC to reach the right audience. Use these keywords to generate effective ad copies that drive click-through rates and conversions. Run these ad copies for A/B testing to evaluate different messaging and targeting approaches.

keyword AirTag

ChatGPT does not have access to the most current keyword search volumes, but it is still helpful for generating popular keywords for custom audiences. It can also be useful in managing bids and budget allocations for maximum ROIs. 

Integrate ChatGPT into customer support channels for better customer satisfaction.

Many businesses today provide 24/7 customer support to ensure customers can engage with their brands from any place at any time. You can enhance your customer support services by integrating OpenAI ChatGPT into your existing chatbots, email solutions, or customer service platform.

The natural language processing capabilities of ChatGPT help make conversations more localized. This helps your chatbots carry dialogues similar to ones with live agents and offer more personalized solutions and recommendations to your customers. Aside from providing instant and accurate responses to customer inquiries, ChatGPT also helps increase the efficiency of customer support teams. It can offload simple and routine inquiries from them so they can focus on more complex issues.

Integrate ChatGPT with your CRM and customer data for better personalization.

Among the top activities marketers trust AI to carry out is personalization.  42 percent of marketing professionals say they trust AI to personalize content and offers in real-time. ChatGPT, with its AI-based technology, can personalize interactions to improve efficiency and enhance engagement on digital platforms.

Integrate the app with customer relationship management to write ad copies, marketing messages, emails, and other digital content based on customer data and behavior. Use it to conduct sentiment analysis on texts before crafting a response.

Below is an example of how ChatGPT can construct an email message based on a chat transcript. It is also possible to customize messages further by providing specific information about the customer and the solution. You can also specify the course of action you’d like your customer to take after reading the email.

customer data personalization

customer data personalization

Train ChatGPT on your industry and target audience’s language patterns and preferences.

With OpenAI ChatGPT, you can train a language model specifically for your business needs. It may take some time to train it on datasets relevant to your business, but it can help you maximize the use of the app for business growth.

To fine-tune ChatGPT, provide it with input-output pairs that will help it predict the best responses to inputs. You can use customer service chat logs, marketing materials, product descriptions, customer reviews, and other materials your business uses. This will give the app more data on your business and your audience’s behavior and preferences.

Use ChatGPT to conduct market research and data analysis.

Unlike search engines that provide links to other sources, ChatGPT provides straightforward answers to queries. This can speed up market and product research significantly. The examples below show how ChatGPT can gain general information on a customer segment to get a specific list of popular products.

ChatGPT market research and data analysis prompt 1

ChatGPT market research and data analysis prompt 2

ChatGPT market research and data analysis prompt 3

ChatGPT market research and data analysis prompt 4

Aside from market research, ChatGPT can also be used for basic data analysis. It also has the ability to process and analyze data to gain insights into customer behavior and preferences.

Limitations of OpenAI ChatGPT

Without a doubt, ChatGPT can augment the arsenal of digital tools used by marketers and business owners. For small enterprises with limited resources, it can greatly improve the speed and efficiency of customer service and marketing processes. However, ChatGPT does have limitations you must be aware of.

As a result of the datasets it has been trained on, the text it generates may exhibit bias. Additionally, it lacks common sense knowledge and empathy, so it is possible to get inaccurate, irrelevant, inappropriate, or insensitive responses. Because it was only trained using datasets up to 2021, it does not have a complete understanding of events occurring after that year. The app is quire forthright with its limitations and informs users of them right at the onset and on some responses that may require current data.

OpenAI ChatGPT


These limitations do not make the app any less useful for business use cases. By being aware of them, you’ll know what issues to look for when checking the responses or content it generates. Despite them, you can still harness the AI capabilities of the app to optimize your marketing outcomes.

Is ChatGPT right for my business?

Every business has unique needs that require unique solutions. While ChatGPT is a powerful tool for most businesses, you’d still need to assess your specific needs and goals to see whether they align with ChatGPT’s capabilities. Generally, ChatGPT is most useful for businesses looking to streamline language-based tasks such as content creation, customer support, email marketing, and personalization, among many others. Its basic features are accessible and easy for anyone to use. However, integrating it into other systems requires some technical knowledge. So, consider your technical capabilities and existing resources if you plan on integrating ChatGPT into your systems.

ChatGPT has a free version with basic features. You can access ChatGPT through paid APIs and integrations for business and enterprise use.  So, it does have potential costs you need to consider if you want to gain access to its full capabilities for business use.

OpenAI ChatGPT Opens a Wealth of Opportunities

ChatGPT is accessible to everyone. Anyone from any industry anywhere in the world can use it for various applications and use cases. For business owners and digital marketers, it opens a wealth of opportunities for improving efficiency, making content creation more effective, enhancing customer engagement, and, ultimately, maximizing business growth.

Incorporate ChatGPT into your business and marketing strategies to streamline your processes and improve outcomes. Be aware of its capabilities and limitations to understand how you can leverage its technology for your marketing initiatives. Harnessed well, it can help you gain a competitive edge in the digital world.

Frequently Asked Questions

How does ChatGPT work?

Trained on massive datasets, ChatGPT applies deep learning algorithms to generate relevant responses to text-based inputs. Its conversational interface allows users to type statements or questions in the text box and then generate appropriate responses with a click of a button. When users key in a message, the app processes the input on its transformer architecture. It generates a response based on the patterns it learned from its training data.

What can ChatGPT be used for?

ChatGPT has a wide variety of use cases across industries. Creating content for marketing campaigns, crafting email messages, writing poems or essays, conducting preliminary research, condensing a long piece of text, categorizing items into different groups or classes, translating text to different languages, and many more are some of its uses. 

How accurate is ChatGPT?

ChatGPT tends to be highly accurate in language generation and text completion. However, it is less accurate when answering questions and analyzing sentiments. Its accuracy is affected by the training data and the complexity of the task or question. Over time, we can expect the app’s accuracy to increase as it goes to continuous training in more expansive and recent datasets.

About the Author

Geri Mileva


Geri Mileva, an experienced IP network engineer and distinguished writer at Influencer Marketing Hub, specializes in the realms of the Creator Economy, AI, blockchain, and the Metaverse. Her articles, featured in The Huffington Post, Ravishly, and various other respected newspapers and magazines, offer in-depth analysis and insights into these cutting-edge technology domains. Geri’s technological background enriches her writing, providing a unique perspective that bridges complex technical concepts with accessible, engaging content for diverse audiences. | 2023-12-15 22:42:15 –